First Issues Collectors Club promotes the collection of the first postage stamp issued by any nation, province, city, army or other entity that has, at any time, issued postage stamps, and facilitates the exchange of information about these issues among stamp collectors.
This site is currently being rewritten here. Click the Old and New links in the header menu to switch between the two versions.
Check out the FICC expose at the World Philatelic Exhibition 2006
Warning: this is a large page, so please allow some time for it to load. Users with modems should expect a long load time! WPEExhibit.html
On this page you will find a short description of all the menu items you see above. Please enjoy our site and feel free to let us know the good and the bad things about it.
- Newsletter - Not currently available
- Auctions
- We strive to have an auction of first issue related philatelic material every quarter. The auction is for members only, but anybody may view the auction rules.
- Showcase
- A changing display of "hard-to-find" first issues. Some of these stamps may not be rare in the common sense of the word, but they may be difficult to find anyway. Also found here is a small quiz and a challenge!
- Catalog
- We are attempting to assemble a more or less exhaustive list of philatelic first issues. We will try to compile more detailed information for some, and eventually all, issues listed. This will be a work in progress for years to come.
- Forums - Not currently available
- Site map
- A simple list of all the pages on our site. Here you will find a few pages that are not reachable from anywhere else, such as a Day of the Week calculator, an alphabetical list of countries we currently cover and links to other useful sites. If you don't know where to start, this is the place to start.
- Contacts
- Information about how to get in touch with us. You will find a membership application here, too!
- Tips & Tricks
- Here we collect bits and pieces of information that may be of help to you in using this site. This is also the place to check for information related to computers and stamp collecting in general.
- Rules & Regulations
- For your convenience we have assembled all our rules in one place. You'll find our Auction rules, Want list rules and By-laws.
- About
- Defines the club and its purpose. The clubs by-laws are here for all to see.
This page was last modified on Wednesday, 29-Apr-2020 18:56:43 GMT