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first issues > development notes |
Contacts - Footnote Conventions - Fractions - Images - Page Credits - Scott designations - Sources - Images needed
Many of the images on the new pages are from from
David Olson's website. The newer images there are 700p in height. Those images are used on the site but reduced to half size (350 high), but retaining the original quality.
Images from other sources are shown at the original size, subject to a max height of 350p.
Many of the images from the original site are significantly smaller than that (as was appropriate at the time) and the intention is to replace them in due course. Images needed.
Page background colour x'ffffef'
Frequently used FICC IDs:
169 |
Jesper Andersen |
91 |
Tim Balm |
181 |
Nick Blackburn |
2 |
E. Clark Buchi |
210 |
Louis Laflamme |
1 |
David Olson |
175 |
Edo Rajh |
18 |
Kurt Streepy |
10 |
Bob Sylvester |
[14] |
Floyd A. Walker |
Page Credits
The original site was written and developed by Jesper Andersen: it is one of the most significant acheivements of FICC and the Club will be forever in his debt. The redevelopment is by Nick Blackburn. On the country detail pages (but nowhere else) credit is given to the original writer. There are two reasons for this: firstly, it is only fair to give Jesper his due and (this being written by Nick B), for me to take the blame where necessary. Secondly, it is hoped that other members of FICC will contribute to the page research and they should be given credit too.
The current credits are:
For the first two pages of catalogue, the information sources have been cited in some detail as the pages are rewritten. Consideration is being given to having a single list of references which are then cited by number. One potential problem is to decide on a numbering system because the list is bound to grow over time: simple numbering will become unweildy. Here is the first draft of the list.
Ref |
Author / Catalog | Title | Date |
Edn. |
Publisher |
JM1 |
Mackay, J | The World of Classic Stamps 1840-1870 | 1972 |
Putnam, New York | |
JM2 |
Mackay, J | The Guinness Book of Stamps | 1988 |
2nd |
Guiness Publishing, London |
JM3 |
Mackay, J | Philatelic Terms Illustrated | 2003 |
4th |
Stanley Gibbons, London |
JM4 |
Mackay, J | 1800 Stamps of the World | 2007 |
1st |
Southwater, London |
KW1 |
Wood, KA | This is Philately (3 vols.) | 1982 | 1st |
Van Dahl Pub., Alany, USA |
LMW1 | Williams, LN & M | Rare Stamps | 1967 | Weidenfeld and Nicholson, London | |
Linn's | Linn's Stamp Identifier | 2001 | Amos Press, Ohio | |
Linn's | Linn's World Stamp Almanac | 1989 | 5th |
Amos Press |
MiK |
Michel ↓ | Michel Klassik Katalog Europa 1840-1900 | 2007 |
Schwaneberger Verlag GmbH ↓ | |
Mi1 |
Michel Mitteleuropa | 2006 | |||
Mi2 |
Michel Südwesteuropa | 2007 | |||
Mi3 |
Michel Südeuropa | 2007 | |||
Mi4 |
Michel Südosteuropa | 2009 | |||
Mi6 |
Michel Westeuropa | 2006 | |||
Mi9 |
Michel Mittl- und Ostasian | 2006 | |||
Mink1 |
Minkus | Minkus New Worlwide Stamp Catalog, Vol One | 1970 | Minkus Publications, New York | |
Mink2 |
Minkus | Minkus New Worlwide Stamp Catalog, Vol Two | 1969 | Minkus Publications, New York | |
NB |
Nick Blackburn | I copy some text and images from my web site. | |||
ScA |
Mucha, L & Hlinka, B | The Scott Stamp Atlas | 1987 | 1st |
Scott (US) Orbis (UK) |
ScC |
Scott | Scott Classic Specialised Catalogue | 2003 |
10th |
Scott, Sidney, OH |
ScS |
Scott | Scott Standard Catalogue 2009 (6 vols.) | 2008 | 165th | Scott, Sidney, OH |
Paxton, J. (ed.) | The Statesman's Year-Book Historical Companion | 1988 | 1st |
Macmillan Press, London |
Sutton, RJ | The Stamp Collector's Encyclopaedia | 1959 |
5th |
Stanley Paul & Co., London |
SGGBC | Stanley Gibbons ↓ | Gibbons GB Concise | 2010 | 25th |
Stanley Gibbons, London ↓ |
SGP1 |
Gibbons Commonwealth and British Empire Stamps 1840-1952 | 2003 |
106th |
SGP2 |
Gibbons Part 2 Austria & Hungary | 2002 |
6th |
SGP3 |
Gibbons Part 3 Balkans | 2009 | 5th |
SGP4 |
Gibbons Part 4 Benelux | 2003 |
5th |
SGP5 |
Gibbons Part 5 Czechoslovakia and Poland | 2002 |
6th |
SGP6 |
Gibbons Part 6 France | 2001 |
5th |
SGP7 |
Gibbons Part 7 Germany | 2011 |
9th |
SGP8 |
Gibbons Part 8 Italy & Switzerland | 1997 |
5th |
SGP9 |
Gibbons Part 9 Portugal & Spain | 1996 |
4th |
SGP10 |
Gibbons Part 10 Russia | 1999 |
5th |
SGP11 |
Gibbons Part 11 Scandinavia | 2001 |
5th |
SGP12 |
Gibbons Part 12 Africe since Independence A-E | 1980 |
1st |
SGP13 |
Gibbons Part 13 Africe since Independence F-M | 1981 |
1st |
SGP14 |
Gibbons Part 14 Africe since Independence N-Z | 1981 |
1st |
SGP15 |
Gibbons Part 15 Central America | 2007 |
3rd |
SGP16 |
Gibbons Part 16 Central Asia | 2006 |
4th |
SGP17 |
Gibbons Part 17 China | 2006 |
7th |
SGP18 |
Gibbons Part 18 Japan & Korea | 1997 |
4th |
SGP19 |
Gibbons Part 19 Middle East | 2009 |
7th |
SGP20 |
Gibbons Part 20 South America | 2008 |
4th |
SGP21 |
Gibbons Part 21 South-East Asia | 2004 |
4th |
SGP22 |
Gibbons Part 22 United States | 2000 |
5th |
Stanley Gibbons ↑ | Gibbons Simplified 2004 (4 vols.) | 2003 |
69th |
Stanley Gibbons, London ↑ |
TB |
Tim Balm | (FICC#91) has provided numerous images. | |||
Yvert & Tellier Classiques du Monde | 2010 |
Yvert & Tellier, Amiens |
Several web sites have proved repeatedly useful as sources of both information and images. These include:
Here's an extract from SG's 2016 product list showing the specialised catalogues and a few others that might be of interest (were they not so expensive).