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Monday, May 1, 1871

- Changes of Administration - Szeged - Occupation

Europe 20, a-d

See also Austria - Austria-Hungary

  Hungary #1  

Perforated 9½, no watermark, lithographed
Printed by .

Prior to WW1, Hungary was part of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Austrian stamps were first issued in 1850, Austro-Hungarian in 1867 and both were used in Hungary, but (following a set of newspaper tax stamps in 1868) on 1st May 1871 the first stamps designed specifically for Hungary were issued showing emperor Franz Joseph. The first printing was withdrawn because of the poor printing quality of the portrait.

Description   Scott # SG # Mi # YT # Notes
2 krajczár orange
  1 2 1a 1A  
2k yellow
  1a 2a 1b 1a  
3k light green
  2 3 2 2 SG3a, YT2a deep green
5k rose
  3 4 3a 3  
5k brick red
  3a 4b 3b   SG4a carmine
YT3a "vermillon"
10k blue
  4 5 4a 4  
10k pale blue
  4a 5b 4b 4b SG5a, YT4a deep blue
15k yellow brown
  5 6 (5) (5) SG6a deep brown
SG6b light greyish brown
Mi5a braun, Mi5b hellbraun
YT5 bistre, YT5a brown

25k violet

  6 7 6a 6  

25k bright violet

  6a 7a 6b 6a SG7a deep mauve
YT6a "lilas foncé"
Mi6b "dunkelviolett"

Krajczár is the Hungarian form of the Austrian kreuzer.

SG1 and YT1 is the 2k chrome yellow from the 'unissued' first printing. Gibbons notes that some were used in error in Pest in August 1873. Scott mentions and prices but does not number it.

All the stamps n the table above are lithographed. There is an engraved set of the same values in similar colours with issue dates from 1871-73.

Changes of Administration, see also Szeged

Hungary SG282 Sc153 Hungary SG324A Sc198 Hungary SG348a Sc306 Hungary SG369A Sc-B69
People’s Republic Hungarian Soviet Republic National Republic Regency
1916 Sc153 SG282 1919 Sc198 SG324A
Karl Marx
1919 Sc306 SG348a 1920 Sc-B69 SG369A
Returning PoWs

Continuing with the changes of administration, these began with the People’s Republic in 1918, following WW1. This was followed in June 1919 by the short-lived Hungarian Soviet Republic (stamp depicting Karl Marx), established by the Socialist-Communist coalition led by Béla Kun who fled to Vienna a few months later as Rumanian troops advanced on Budapest. By November 1919, Rumania had withdrawn and the Hungarian army entered the city under Admiral Horthy to establish the National Republic.
In 1920 the newly elected National Assembly decided that Hungary was still a kingdom and appointed Horthy as regent.

Hung631 Hungary SG902 Sc723 Hungary SG1067A Sc857
Provisional Government Republic People’s Republic
1945 Sc631 SG786A 1946 Sc723 SG902 1949 Sc857 SG1067A

Towards the end of WW2, Horthy abdicated (vice-regent Stephen Horthy had been killed in 1942). A provisional government was established in December 1944 under ‘Soviet auspices’, a Republic in 1946 and the People’s Republic (soviet style) in 1949.

Szeged Sc11N1
1919 Sc-11N1 SG4


Gibbons [1] describes this set of overprints as those of the Hungarian National Government, led by Admiral Horthy and set up in Szeged (which was under French occupation) in opposition to the Bolshevist régime. The Gibbons listing starts with three semi-postal stamps, SG1-3, Sc11NB1-3.


Areas of Hungary were occupied by French, Rumanian and Serbian forces after WW1 until the territorial disputes were settled by the Treaty of Trianon in June 1920.

Arad 1N1
Banat Bacska Sc10N1
Debrecen 2N1
Temesvar 4N1
Baranya Sc7N1
Temesvar 9N1
French Occupation
Rumanian Occupation
Serbian Occupation
Banat Bacska
1919 Sc-1N1 SG4 19 Sc-10N1 SG1 1919 Sc-2N1 SG1 1919 Sc-4N1 SG1 1919 Sc-7N1 SG1 1919 Sc-9N1 SG?
Transylvalia Sc5N1
Transylvania Sc6N1
Rumanian Occupation
Transylvania, Kolozsvar
Transylvania, Nagyvarad
19 Sc-5N1 SG? 19 Sc-6N1 SG?

Arad - Gibbons start its listing with three semi-postal stamps. The area was awarded to Rumania.
Banat Bacska - was shared between Serbia (west) and Rumania (east). .
Debrecen - Scott has two separate Debrecen series, 2Nx and 3Nx. This remained in Hungary.
Temesvar originally occupied by Serbia and and then by Rumania. Gibbons lists the other stamps, but not SG1. There was such variation in the designs of these surcharges that the whole Scott set is shown here. Temesvar was awarded to Rumania and renamed Timisoara.
Transylvania - not found in Gibbons. Scott has two issues, Kolozsvar (or Cluj 5Nx) and Nagyvarad (Oradea 6Nx).
Baranya - Scott lists two issues, 7Nx and 8Nx. Most of the region remained in Hungary, a small part in the south was awarded to Serbia.

Sources: MiK, ScC, SGP2 [1], YTC.

Images from David Olson, TB, NB, ebay.

FI ref: 167, 478, 493, 496, 498, 522 Page credit: NB

Page created 19 Feb 2014 Page updated 08-Jul-2017